10 Useful Telegram bots

💡10 Useful Telegram bots🤖
The cloud-based instant messaging program Telegram offers users an instant, safe, and effective messaging experience. Telegram offers a broad range of bots in addition to its basic messaging features that can be used to automate tasks, gather information, and have fun.

1) @JWGPT3_bot - 

🗣️ Enter a message and OpenAI's GPT-3 bot will reply you!

🌅 Type /img to generate an image using DALL-E!

✅ What can I do?
- Translate and chat in any language
- Type '/img' to generate images
- Write programming code
- Write emails and letters
- Answer questions
- Talk to the bot in groups by putting '/' before your message.
⚠️ Just for fun, replies may be very wrong.

Daily quota: 10/10
English | Español | عربي | 中文

2) @ControllerBot - Channel Management bot

It can help you manage Telegram channels.

You can control me by sending these commands:

/newpost - create a new post

/addchannel - add a new channel
/mychannels - edit your channels

/settings - other settings

3) @FakeMailBot - Get a custom temporary mail ID

Send /generate to get your fakemail address.
/set for customized fakemail address

More from bot
Get a new fake mail id /generate

To know your current fake mail id /id

To setup a custom fake mail id /set

Manage custom domains /domain

Manage Blocklist /block

4) @tkutuphanebot it can search books or scientific articles by titles, authors or DOIs.

It can search books or scientific articles by titles, authors or DOIs.

Just type your request in plain words.

- Divine Comedy Dante
- https://doi.org/10.1159/000477855
- Search in the books only: 📚 JavaScript
- Restrict search by 2019 year: hemoglobin +year:2019
- Find only starting from 2019 year: hemoglobin +year:[2019 TO *]
- Search by author: authors:Jack authors:London
- Exact match: "Fetal Hemoglobin"
- Filter formats (all except pdf): +JavaScript +format:epub
- Filter languages: +JavaScript +🇪🇸
- Order by date: JavaScript order_by:date
- Order by rank: hemoglobin order_by:pr

Extended syntax
+ sign makes words or filtration by field mandatory:
- +JavaScript lang:en returns all JavaScript books but books in English will be ranked higher
- +JavaScript +lang:en returns JavaScript books only in English

- sign removes documents with the word
- fetal -hemoglobin returns all articles about fetal whatever but not hemoglobin

Possible fields to use in queries: abstract, author, content, date, extension, journal, lang, page, page_rank, refc, refs, tags, title, year

Possible fields for ordering: date, page, page_rank, refc

date - issuing unixtime
lang - language, use two-letter code for filter results
refc - references counter
refs - references DOIs

I can help to navigate through references and journals. There are multiple links and buttons
on view screen:

- Tags are clickable. Tap them. Particular versions of Telegram requires to tap appeared button Start after the tap on links.
- 📰 button opens articles from the same journal
- 🔗 button opens articles referring the currently opened one

/aboutus - tell about us
/copyright - make a copyright infringement claim
/help - show this help
/howtohelp - learn how to help us
/profile - your profile
/rank - get importance statistics of articles
/riot - clone this bot
/roll <query> - get a random book <by the query>
/seed - learn how to become a seeder
/settings - changes language, notification and personalized feed settings
/trends - plot trends graph

What are you going to read today?

5) @FontsGramBot - Change the font of a message

What can it do 

I'm a bot for fonts. You can write your own messages in beautiful fonts.

After creating a font, you can make it more beautiful with fancy shapes!

1- Choose a font.
2- Send your message.
3- After making the font by bot.
4- Tap the ‘More’ button.
5- Tap the ‘Fantasy’ button.

Every time you request fantasy shapes, you get 10 new shapes.

You can also use quotes from influential people to create a beautiful biography with fonts.

You can use this quotes anywhere in inline-mode. Type (@fontsgrambot Quotes).

You can also use the font TEXT-EMOJI in inline-mode. Type (@fontsgrambot Your Message).

If you want to see the fonts used in a message I can help you.

1- Choose ‘Search Fonts 🔍’.
2- Send your message to search for fonts.

👍 I provide you with all the fonts here. Let's start by choosing an option.‎

6) @PexelsSearchBot - Search images from pexels.com

Search images from pexels.com free in inline mode by searching 

7) @InstantMediaBot 

What it does 

It has Instant Media Bot. Add me as administrator to the chat and send any link to post with media (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc).


8) @BurnBGBot - Remove the background from a picture

What can this bot do?

With this bot you can remove the background from any image.

With this bot you can remove the background of any image.

9) @tg2tgxBot - Android tg theme into a telegram X theme

What can this bot do 
Provide me a link to a cloud theme that contains Android support.

Here's an example:

10) @GmailBot - With this bot you can get new emails and reply to them without leaving Telegram.

Bot commands 

Authorise the bot /start

Compose new email /new

Tune notification settings /settings

Turn email notifications off /stop

11) @MissRose_bot - Group Management bot 

Control your group with easy commands. 
I is a group management bot, here to help you get around and keep the order in your groups!
It has lots of handy features, such as flood control, a warning system, a note keeping system, and even predetermined replies on certain keywords.

This is Part 1 , Part 2 coming soon 

#Telegram #Bots #Tools #Share