Know about any File By There Extension

πŸ“ƒ List of All File Extensions and their Meaning

    — File extensions indicate the file format or file type. It is start dot (.) symbol and filename. File extensions consist of three or four characters, although in rare cases it could be two . These file extension helps the operating system to know what type of file or program to run when you double-click on it. Here list of computer file extension and their meaning :- 

Executable File Extensions
.apk : Android package file
.bat :Batch file
.bin :Binary file
.cgi : Common Gateway Interface Script
.com:MS-DOS command file
.exe :Executable file
.jar :Java Archive file
.py :Python file
.wsf :Windows Script File

⭐ Audio File Extensions
.aif : AIF/Audio Interchange audio file
.cda : CD audio track file
.iff : Interchange File Format
.mid or .midi : MIDI audio file
.mp3 :MP3 audio file
.mpa : MPEG-2 audio file
.wav : WAVE file
.wma : Windows Media audio file
.wpl : Windows Media Player playlist

Video File Extensions
.avi : Audio Video Interleave File
.flv : Adobe Flash Video File
.m4v : Apple MP4 video File
.mkv : Matroska Multimedia Container
.mov : Apple QuickTime movie File
.mp4 : MPEG-4 Video File
.mpg or .mpeg : MPEG video File
.rm : Real Media File
.swf : Shockwave flash File
.vob :DVD Video Object File
.wmv : Windows Media Video File
.3g23 : GPP2 Multimedia File
.3gp3 : GPP multimedia File

⭐ Image File Extensions
.ai :Adobe Illustrator file
.bmp : Bitmap image File
.gif : GIF/Graphical Interchange Format image
.ico : Icon file
.jpeg or .jpg : JPEG image
.max : 3ds Max Scene File
.obj : Wavefront 3D Object File
.png : PNG / Portable Network Graphic image
.ps : PostScript file
.psd : PSD / Adobe Photoshop Document image
.svg : Scalable Vector Graphics file
.tif or .tiff : TIFF image
.3ds : 3D Studio Scene
.3dm : Rhino 3D Model

Text File Extensions
.doc and .docx : Microsoft Word file
.odt :OpenOffice Writer document file
.msg :Outlook Mail Message
.pdf : PDF file
.rtf : Rich Text Format File
.tex : ALaTeX document file
.txt : Plain text file
.wks and .wps : Microsoft Works Word Processor Document file
.wpd : WordPerfect document

Spreadsheet File Extensions
.ods : OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet file
.xlr : Microsoft Works spreadsheet file
.xls : Microsoft Excel file
.xlsx : Microsoft Excel Open XML spreadsheet file

⭐ Web File Extensions
.asp and .aspx : Active Server Page file
.cer : Internet security certificate
.cfm : ColdFusion Markup file
.cgi or .pl : Perl script file
.css : Cascading Style Sheet file
.htm and .html : HTML/Hypertext Markup Language file
.js :JavaScript file
.jsp : Java Server Page file
.part : Partially downloaded file
.php : PHP Source Code file
.rss : RSS/Rich Site Summary file
.xhtml : XHTML / Extensible Hypertext Markup Language file

⭐ Presentation File Extensions
.key : Keynote presentation
.odp : OpenOffice Impress presentation file
.pps : PowerPoint slide show
.ppt : PowerPoint presentation
.pptx : PowerPoint Open XML presentation

⭐ Database File Extensions
.accdb : Access 2007 Database File
.csv : Comma separated value file
.dat Data file
.db or .dbf : Database file
.log : Log file
.mdb : Microsoft Access database file
.pdb : Program Database
.sav : Save file (e.g. game save file)
.sql : SQL/Structured Query Language database file
.tar : Linux / Unix tarball file archive

⭐ System Related File Extensions
.bak : Backup file
.cab : Windows Cabinet file
.cfg : Configuration file
.cpl : Windows Control panel file
.cur : Windows cursor file
.dll : DLL file
.dmp : Dump file
.drv : Device driver file
.icn : smacOS X icon resource file
.ico :Icon file
.ini : Initialization file
.lnk : Windows shortcut file
.msi : Windows installer package
.sys : Windows system file
.tmp : Temporary file

⭐ Compressed Files
.7z : 7-Zip Compressed File
.cbr : Comic Book RAR Archive
.deb : Debian Software Package
.gz : Gnu Zipped Archive
.pkg : Mac OS X Installer Package
.rar : WinRAR Compressed Archive
.rpm : Red Hat Package Manager File
.sitx : Stuffit X Archive
.tar.gz : Compressed Tarball File
.Z : Z compressed file
.zip : Zipped File
.zipx : Extended Zip File

⭐ Misc Files
.ics : Calendar File
.msi : Windows Installer Package
.part : Partially Downloaded File
.TORRENT : Torrent File
.toast : Toast disc image
.vcd : Virtual CD

⭐ E-mail file extensions
.email : Outlook Express e-mail message file.
.eml : E-mail message file from multiple e-mail clients, including Gmail.
.emlx : Apple Mail e-mail file.
.msg : Microsoft Outlook e-mail message file.
.oft : Microsoft Outlook e-mail template file.
.ost : Microsoft Outlook offline e-mail storage file.
.pst : Microsoft Outlook e-mail storage file.
.vcf : E-mail contact file.

⭐ Font file extensions
.fnt : Windows font file
.fon : Generic font file
.otf : Open type font file
.ttf : TrueType font file

⭐ Programming files by file extensions
.c : C and C++ source code file
.cgi and .pl : Perl script file.
.class : Java class file
.cpp : C++ source code file
.cs : Visual C# source code file
.h : C, C++, and Objective-C header file
.java : Java Source code file
.php : PHP script file.
.py : Python script file.
.sh : Bash shell script
.swift : Swift source code file
.vb : Visual Basic file

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